Kalispell - Jodie L Cross


Raising Awareness about owning a home.


June marks National Home ownership Month, an opportunity to spread the word and awareness about the positive aspects of owning a home and the significance of helping more individuals to become homeowners.

According to The White House,
“During National Homeownership Month, we recognize the power of owning a home when raising a family, planting roots in a community, building equity, and passing down generational wealth to continue the American Dream for generations to come. We recognize that a place to call home, regardless of owning or renting, is essential to a life of security, dignity, and hope.”

For many people, owning a property that they can call " HOME” is their ultimate goal. Homeownership helps us to build our wealth and future. Investing in Real Estate and becoming a home owner is literally a long-term investment, and the only asset that appreciates in value. When you think of becoming a homeowner, don’t just think of its current worth but think about the potential benefits in the future.

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